Home Learning – January 17-21

Well, we made it through another week of home learning. It hasn’t been easy, but we’ve persevered!

A great big thank you to all parents (daycares, babysitters, family members, etc.) working hard with their kids on the home learning plans. 

many thanks

Here are some pictures of the students in 3FI sharing some of their home learning and other activities during the week: 

And here’s a picture of one of our Teams meetings: 

Fingers crossed for full class in-person learning January 31st! 

fingers crossed



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I appreciate you all so much for all the hard work and perseverance this week.

Take care and enjoy the weekend!

Check out Harlow’s worm!

Check out Isla’s picture outdoors!

doing a breakdance move called the freeze with boombox in background

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année!

I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas that is filled with family and friends.

I will see you again in the new year!

merry christmas

Snowmen Art!

Yesterday, I emailed parents a video for an art lesson I created for the students:

I was really pleased to have a couple of pieces of art emailed to me and I am excited to share them on the blog:

Bitmoji Image

12 Days of Christmas – Day #4!

Today we celebrated our fourth day of Christmas… ORNAMENT DAY!

I fired up my hot glue gun, found a bag of warm fuzzies and had students grab five warm fuzzies at a time. We hot glued what felt like a billion warm fuzzies to create a swowman warm fuzzy! We even had some students create a snazzy hat to go on top of the snowman’s hat.

We managed to record the full 16 minutes of the creation of our decoration (merci, Declan!) but I have shortened that up to a more manageable time. 🙂


christmas tree wave

12 Days of Christmas – Day #3!

Today we celebrated the third day of Christmas – CHRISTMAS CARD DAY!

We made cards for our local manor. Students used their fingerprints to create Christmas lights, reindeer and other assorted Christmas images on the front of their cards and wrote messages on the inside. They did a fantastic job and I’m sure the folks at the manor will love them.

merry christmas pop up card

12 Days of Christmas – Day #1!

Today we started the 12 Days of Christmas at our school. Today was CLASSROOM DECORATING DAY!

We had a great time hanging up lights, garland, decorations and turning the 3 FI classroom into a Christmasy space. 

It was a wild 45 minutes, but the end result made the chaos worth it. 🙂

winter holiday tinsel and lights


Qui suis-je?

Today we wrapped up our first Question d’enquête (inquiry question) of the year.

We spent a lot of time discussing our visible and invisible differences, our likes and dislikes and what makes us unique.

Our final task was to write a Qui suis-je? (Who am I?) riddle in French. We modelled pieces, did shared writing pieces together as class, and wrote sentences in our notebooks. Students were to take the pieces they wrote to write a devinette (riddle) for their final writing activity.

Today, students revealed themselves! They did a great job and I am very proud of them for completing their first big writing piece of the year.

Bravo, 3 FI! 🙂 🙂 🙂