C’est l’Halloween!

Last Thursday, November 18th,  the students in 3 FI were finally able to celebrate Halloween!

They wore their costumes, played Halloween math games and wrote what they thought I should be for Halloween. 😉

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Respect and Graduation #6!

This past week we created acrostic respect poems in 3 FI.

Students used the word respect and tried to come up with words and sentences in French that represented respect to them.

They did a great job!

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We also graduated a few more sight words, Émilie Éléphante and a reading strategy to the other side of our room, with Evan as our ‘Master of Ceremonies’ (Super travail, Evan!):


Teams with 3 FI!

For the first time since October 28th, I was able to see a few members of 3 FI!!! 🖤

Today we had our first ever 3 FI Teams meetings and I am quite impressed with how well they went. 🙂

We did a microphone check, did a little ‘Comment ça va?’, played Mme dit and showed off our pets. We even had special guest appearances from Mrs. MacLeod and Mme Nicholson! 😀

I am looking forward to having everyone back in the classroom, but I really enjoyed ‘seeing’ some students again. 🙂

3 FI…i miss you

Happy Friday!

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Happy Friday!

What a week it has been. I appreciate all the work you have been doing at home. I know it hasn’t been easy, but we have persevered and we have finally made it to Friday.

I thought I would show you how François’ week went with me at home. Needless to say, it was interesting. 🙂

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Fall Spirit Week

This past week we celebrated Fall Spirit Week at our school.

Monday was pumpkin day!

Tuesday was apple day!

Wednesday was fall leaf day!

Thursday was potato day!

Friday was costume day!

(Parents emailed me pictures of their kids in their costumes on Friday. We will be having this day when we’re back at school… Regardless of when we’re back! But for now, here are a few costumes!)

And here are some pictures from HALLOWEEN!

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Perseverance & Graduation # 5

This past week we graduated a few more sight words, sounds and a reading strategy to the other side of our room, with Madeline as our ‘Master of Ceremonies’ (Bravo, Madeline!):

We also had many discussions on perseverance.

We played a game this week to help us work on our perseverance. The class was divided into two teams, one on each side of the room. Each student had a paper ball to throw onto the other side of the room. Each team was to try and have as few paper balls as possible on their side after one minute. This is a game that could be played outdoors using balls or at home with socks! 🙂

Check it out!

We also had discussions on what our own goals were for the year. We talked about how our goals could be school related or for home. Almost everyone was able to come up with something they were willing to persevere to achieve.

We are going to work hard this year to persevere and never give up to work towards achieving our goals!

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Graduation #3 and 4 and ZOOM!

This past week we had TWO graduations in 3 FI!

Monday we graduation Hubert Hibou, Xavier Lynx and a few sight words and a reading strategy for decoding words.

Friday, Sully was our “Master of Ceremonies” and she graduated Ginette Girafe, Gabrielle Grenouille, a few more sight words and two reading comprehension strategies.

We have also been playing a game called Zoom! during our Character Strong discussions on empathy. Active listening and concentration are important components of empathy. Students stood in a circle and one student was chosen to start the game. The student should quickly turn to the left or right and say the word “zoom” to their neighbor. Play continues as students pass the word “zoom” around the circle. When students caught on to the game, we added in the following challenges:

  • A student can say “eeek” to reverse the direction of the “zooms”
  • A student can say “bump” to skip over 1 student
We started whole class and then moved to smaller circles.

well done

Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!

Friday we were supposed to create Thanksgiving turkeys for an art activity. But due to unforeseen circumstances, we obviously couldn’t. 🙁

I decided to go ahead and do them today, even though Thanksgiving is technically over. 😀

We used our fingers (and sometimes hands) to smudge chalk pastels to create the turkey feathers using different colours.

They turned out beautifully and I am so proud of everyone for being such good listeners! 🙂

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Last Week of September

During our last week in September, we celebrated Terry Fox, observed Truth and Reconciliation Day and had another dance party in 3 FI. 

We celebrated Terry Fox by taking part in a school walk on Wednesday. Students wrote down the names of people that they were walking for. 


We observed Truth and Reconciliation Day with a virtual ceremony and videos explaining Phyllis Webstads orange t-shirt. Students were also given the opportunity to create their own orange t-shirts. Here are some of the great t-shirts created:

Finally, after a long week of learning, we needed a dance party to shake the wiggles and let loose some of our energy 😉 :

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